Clothes Bank

Clothes Recycling Bins


Rathdrum Cancer Support Group turns unwanted clothes into much-needed funds.

We have three clothing recycling bins located in the car park at the lower end of the Main Street.  (Behind Jacobs Well Public House).

These are emptied regularly and the clothes are then sorted into those suitable for charity shops with the remainder bagged up and sent to a depot where they are weighed and money paid out per ton.

Our clothing recycling bins are well supported locally and the monies raised go towards maintaining and running our two vehicles used in the Transport Service.

If you have unwanted clothing please bring them to the yellow bins and they will be much appreciated.

If anyone is having a clear out of clothes, shoes, towels, sheets, duvet covers, pillow cases, handbags, coats school bags, and you would like to arrange a collection in your area, we can collect them.  We are grateful to supporters who are already doing this.

Our founder Bill Porter oversees this facility.  You will see Bill out and about emptying the recycling bins and arranging pick ups.

Clothes Recycling Collection
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