We have moved to our new premises...
The Old Library, Gilberts Row, Rathdrum, Co.Wicklow.
Opening Hours:
Monday: 09:00 -13:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00
Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Who are we?
This organisation was conceived, after a group of local people met in 2008 with a view to trying to help local people who were diagnosed with cancer related disease.
It has grown in strength year on year since then and has extended its services to areas within a wide radius of Rathdrum.
Rathdrum Cancer Support Group - Gift
Donate in honour of a loved one and we will send you a beautiful Christmas card that you can give as a gift.
What do we do - Our Services
Rathdrum Cancer Support Group offer a range of services to individual and their families, when confronted with the challenges often associated with cancer related illness. The severity and discomfort sometimes experienced by cancer patients during treatment can leave the strongest and the fittest of individuals feeling quite vulnerable. Our goal is to offer support and assistance where necessary. Our services include:

Hospital Transport Service
RCSG has a vehicle designated to help relieve family members on occasions when it is difficult to maintain daily treatment appointments over a prolonged period. We can offer to take your family member for treatment on an organised relief basis.
Patients may sometimes have to share transport with another patient or may be taken in a volunteer’s private vehicle if the group experiences high demand with patient transportation.

Personal Assistance
If an individual experiences personal difficulty (directly associated with their illness) RCSG may consider assistance, subject to a genuine and satisfactory case being presented and that no other relevant Organisation can be of assistance. This request would be discussed with the applicant and members of RCSG..

Drop in and Advice centre
Currently RCSG have a designated night where people can drop in for a chat or may seek advice on our services in person.
The office is open, Monday: 09:00 -13:00, Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00 and Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Literature and brochures are available that may assist patients and their families in understanding various cancer types and associated treatment. This literature may also offer guidance as to where further services and assistance may be obtained for cancer patients.

Social Evenings
RCSG have a tradition of hosting social evenings for patients who are undergoing cancer treatment, or past patients who have availed of our service. The concept is to let patients unwind and meet other people who are experiencing similar health issues and this creates an environment for people to chat and share experiences.
These evenings can often prove re-assuring for cancer patients, when they meet others who have undergone the treatment process and are now enjoying full health. We welcome a family member to accompany our guests and encourage a light-hearted evening where a social atmosphere is the primary objective.

Currently RCSG have a designated night where people can drop in for a chat or may seek advice on our services in person.
The office is also open, Monday: 09:00 -13:00, Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00 and Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Literature and brochures are available that may assist patients and their families in understanding various cancer types and associated treatment. This literature may also offer guidance as to where further services and assistance may be obtained for cancer patients.

How to avail of our services
Clients seeking assistance of any nature must complete a basic questionnaire to maintain compliance with our own accountability within the organisation.
For us to help Others ………. We need YOU to help Us!
Fundraising and public support is the backbone of our organisation. Without the generosity of the public we cannot survive, as we receive no State Funding or Funds from any Healthcare Groups.
Volunteer Drivers & General Volunteers

Volunteer Drivers
This is our most requested service within RCSG, and without the good nature and generosity of our drivers with their time, this organisation could not function.
The driver is the person who deals with our clients more frequently than any other committee members and are the real Face of RCSG. They treat the clients with respect, compassion and dignity always.
At Rathdrum Cancer Support Group, we cannot express enough how important these generous male and female volunteers are, and the importance of their contribution to the groups integrity and success.
Garda Vetting
All volunteer drivers must have Garda Vetting prior to driving for RCSG. All volunteer drivers must have a clean full driving licence. Volunteer drivers, “procedures guidelines” will be issued to all drivers.
If you think you could be a volunteer driver, please contact us!

General Volunteer
Another crucial component of a smooth running organisation is the role general volunteers can play within the group.
The role of the general volunteer varies from assisting at fund raising events, participating in hospital visits, to becoming active members on the committee.
Professional individuals are always welcome to share their expertise with the group or with patients on a voluntary basis e.g: counselling, physio, massage etc.
If you would like to become an active volunteer, please do not hesitate to contact us!