Rathdrum Cancer Support Group (RCSG) is an unincorporated Registered Charity. Our Registered Charity Number (RCN) is 20142445.
RCSG operates in accordance with its Constitution a copy of which is available on this web-site. (see link below).
RCSG is run by unpaid Volunteers and employs one person part-time for administration. The activities of RCSG are managed on a day to day basis by a Committee the members of which are elected annually at the AGM. The Committee consists of a Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and a Driver Co-ordinator. There are other elected Committee members who assist as required with other activities such as fund-raising and other projects.
Committee Meetings are held regularly and minuted. From time to time sub-Committees are formed for specific purposes and work under the direction of the main Committee.
An AGM is held annually. Monthly Accounts are produced and approved at Committee Meetings. Annual Accounts are produced and signed off by an external independent Accountant and are presented and approved at our AGM.
RCSG also files an Annual Report with the Charities Regulator. RCSG is registered with the Revenue Commissioners and Tax Clearance Cert is obtained annually. RCSG has a number of Operational policies and procedures in place, including but not limited to Client confidentiality, Transport, Data Protection and Driver Guidelines.